As the world burns around them, Gotrek and Felix are reunited to face enemies old and new. The truth of Gotrek's ancient shame is revealed, and he faces his true destiny as Grimnir's avatar in the mortal world… but tragedy awaits these heroes.
READ IT BECAUSE All good things must come to an end… even the adventures of the Old World's most infamous wanderers. Experience the last battles of Gotrek and Felix ...
Across the Old World, brave heroes stand against the dark shadows cast by bloodthirsty vampires. In this collection, three novels and a selection of short stories lay bare the never-ending battle against these lords of the night.
READ IT BECAUSE Explore the legacy of Nagash across the world-that-was with a trio of novels focused on the greatest lords of the undead, the bloodthirsty vampires.
DESCRIPTION Ancient and cruel, vampires are reviled ...
War makes for strange alliances – and so it is for the free city of the Colonnade, which must turn to the Mother of Nightmares and her dynasty of monsters to defend themselves against the hordes of Chaos…
READ IT BECAUSE Get an insight into one of the newest threats to the Mortal Realms – the monstrous vampire queen Lauka Vai and her dynasty of terrifying, bloodthirsty killers.
THE STORY The Colonnade, a free city held aloft by gargantuan pil ...
As the world burns around them, Gotrek and Felix are reunited to face enemies old and new. The truth of Gotrek's ancient shame is revealed, and he faces his true destiny as Grimnir's avatar in the mortal world… but tragedy awaits these heroes.
READ IT BECAUSE All good things must come to an end… even the adventures of the Old World's most infamous wanderers. Experience the last battles of Gotrek and Felix ...
Across the Old World, brave heroes stand against the dark shadows cast by bloodthirsty vampires. In this collection, three novels and a selection of short stories lay bare the never-ending battle against these lords of the night.
READ IT BECAUSE Explore the legacy of Nagash across the world-that-was with a trio of novels focused on the greatest lords of the undead, the bloodthirsty vampires.
DESCRIPTION Ancient and cruel, vampires are reviled ...
War makes for strange alliances – and so it is for the free city of the Colonnade, which must turn to the Mother of Nightmares and her dynasty of monsters to defend themselves against the hordes of Chaos…
READ IT BECAUSE Get an insight into one of the newest threats to the Mortal Realms – the monstrous vampire queen Lauka Vai and her dynasty of terrifying, bloodthirsty killers.
THE STORY The Colonnade, a free city held aloft by gargantuan pil ...