Dungeon Bowl casts you as the coach of a team of players from one of the eight Colleges of Magic. As you hunt the game ball in a dastardly dungeon, you'll avoid traps, jump through portals, and rummage through chests to find treasure beyond your imagination – all in the name of glory, pride, and scoring a single magnificent touchdown.
You decide the line-up, and you decide the tactics, but just remember – it's not the winning that matters most, but the amount of carnage that you cause along the way!
Dungeon Bowl is the game of Subterranean Blood Bowl mayhem, played between two players. In this box, the College of Fire and the College of Shadows face off against each other in a dungeon with a customisable layout, packed with portals to jump through and chests to ransack. Will you be able to score a touchdown, or will you be scuppered by traps and opponents you encounter along the way?
This box comes with everything you need to get started in your quest to find the ball and score that single, scintillating touchdown.
Inside this box, you'll find the following miniatures:
14 College of Fire miniatures in orange plastic, featuring – 1x Ogre Blocker – 1x Ogre Runt Punter – 6x Gnoblars – 1x Dwarf Runner – 1x Dwarf Blitzer – 3x Dwarf Blocker Lineman – 1x Troll Slayer
12 College of Shadows miniatures in purple plastic, featuring – 3x Skaven Clanrat Lineman – 1x Skaven Blitzer – 1x Skaven Thrower – 1x Gutter Runner – 3x Dark Elf Lineman – 1x Dark Elf Blitzer – 1x Dark Elf Runner – 1x Witch Elf
- Dungeon Bowl furnishings comprising of 6x Chests, 6x Portals, and 1x Spiked Ball
In addition, you'll get: - A 104-page Rulebook stuffed with characterful Dungeon Bowl artwork, and all the rules you need to play the game, and rules covering exhibition and league games - 2x quick reference cheat sheets for easy rules checking - 2x Dungeon Bowl Dugouts for players to rest and recuperate in - 6x double-sided Token Boards to track various elements of the games on - 16x gorgeous and grim Dungeon Tiles you'll use to arrange your dungeon - 36x Dungeon Bowl Door Tokens to represent doors - 14x dice for use in games of Dungeon Bowl - 3x plastic templates for measuring range, direction, and ricochet
The rulebook included in this box features full team rosters – including featured races and team honours – for each of the eight Colleges of Magic: The College of Fire The College of Shadow The College of Metal The College of Light The College of Death The College of Life The College of Beasts The College of Heavens
Games Workshop
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Attenzione: Questo prodotto è disponibile solo con ritiro in negozio.
Harmonies è un gioco da tavolo di Johan Benvenuto per 1-4 giocatori.
Ogni partita dura circa 30 min. minuti ed è indicato per giocatori dai 10 anni in su.
L'edizione in Italiano è distribuita da Asmodee.
Descrizione Dettagliata:
Le migliori strategie si ispirano alla natura, quale adotterete? Scopritelo con HARMONIES!
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Le bustine protettive per carte Sapphire Sleeves sono il 50% più spesse e più elastiche delle bustine protettive più diffuse, mantenendo lo stesso prezzo e la stessa quantità per pacchetto.
Attenzione: Questo prodotto è disponibile solo con ritiro in negozio.
Proteggete le carte dei vostri giochi con le nuovissime bustine di Cranio Creations. La confezione contiene 100 Bustine Protettive Trasparenti – Spessore 60 micron – Formato 63,5 x 88 mm.