Con questo kit da 57 componenti di plastica puoi assemblare due Jotunn H-Grade Servitor Ogryns. Il set include diverse opzioni di testa, compresa una variante per Lobo-slave, e una gamma di corpi, zaini opzionali, augmetic fists, storm-welders, spud-jackers e l'opportunità di assemblare gli Ogryns con un braccio solo, mantenendo comunque la loro pericolosità! Il kit è fornito con due basette di Necromunda rotonde da 40mm.
Puoi trovare le regole per aggiungere un Ogryn Brute a qualsiasi gang i ...
Questo set da 44 carte ti aiuterà a concentrarti sulla partita tenendo a portata di mano statistiche e regole speciali. Il team Snotling è una squadra completamente nuova, con nuovi ruoli e un sacco di assi nella manica.
Contenuto: – 6 carte riassuntive per Snotlings, Fungus Flingas, Fun-Hoppas, Stilty Runnas, Pump Wagons e Trolls – 9 carte riassuntive per Star Players fra cui Bomber Dribblesnot, Fungus the Loon, Nobbla Blackwart e Ripp ...
At once ancient and youthful, House Escher has endured far longer than any other Clan House on Necromunda. Since the times of the first Lord Helmawr, they have established their place as a matriarchy built upon a throne of chems and violence. To outsiders, they are cruel and deadly warriors and they do little to disabuse those rumours.
Get the ultimate guide to House Escher. This 128-page hardback book features the definitive history of the House and rules for fielding the si ...
Guest editor Vic Tallsnot (who is, incidentally, definitely not three Snotlings in a fancy costume) is on hand to help us understand why Snotlings have decided to form their own teams, and what it means for the future of Blood Bowl.
All 36 hilarious pages of this issue of Spike! Journal are packed to bursting with all the rules and advice a budding Snotling coach will need to play the ultimate underdogs in your games of Blood Bowl.
Snotlings win very few games, which means they have very little money to upgrade their Blood Bowl stadia, if they can even be called that with a straight face. More often than not, they'll play their games in the fungal bogs where they grow their hallucinogenic mushrooms – the floating spores make for a rather vivid experience for visiting teams.
This double-sided board depicts a fungal bog in two states: a slippery, swampy bog, and a field in full fungal bloom, filled with ...