Rev up your engines and dive into the exhilarating world of Smash Up, the tabletop game that's ready to take your gaming experience to the next level! Published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Smash Up is not your average card game; it's a wild ride filled with strategic chaos and unpredictable twists. Are you ready to join the ranks of the Disco Dancers, Vigilantes, and Kung Fu Fighters? Buckle up, because we've got a long way to go and a short time to get there!
Bring the excitement of Smash Up to your gaming table today and experience the chaos, strategy, and laughter that this phenomenal game has to offer. It's time to smash those bases and make your mark in the world of tabletop gaming!
Key Features:
Disco Dancers - Strut Your Stuff: Get ready to boogie on the gaming floor with the Disco Dancers faction. Channel the spirit of the disco era as you strut your way through Smashing Bases. With moves that would make John Travolta jealous, these groovy characters have no time to talk – they're too busy dominating the dance floor!
Vigilantes - Justice Unleashed: Join forces with the most powerful combo in the gaming world – the Vigilantes. These justice-seeking warriors can blow your base clean off the table, leaving your opponents in awe. The only question is, did you draw 5 cards, or 6? Take a gamble, and remember: Do you feel lucky, punk?
Kung Fu Fighters - Unleash the HI-YA! Prepare for a martial arts extravaganza with the Kung Fu Fighters faction. HI-YA! Spin-kicking, board-breaking, and rocking tracksuits, these fighters walk the earth to save the hood. Embrace the wisdom of wax on/wax off as you master the art of kung fu and dominate the competition.
Dynamic Gameplay - Mix and Match Factions: Smash Up offers a unique gameplay experience by allowing you to mix and match different factions. Create your own unbeatable combo by combining the power of Disco Dancers, Vigilantes, Kung Fu Fighters, and more. Every game is a new adventure filled with surprising synergies and endless strategic possibilities.
Quality Components - Built for Endless Fun: Alderac Entertainment Group ensures top-notch quality with Smash Up. From the detailed cards representing each faction to the sturdy game components, every detail is crafted for durability and endless fun. Gather your friends, choose your factions, and get ready for a gaming experience like no other!
4 factions with 20 cards each
8 base cards
4 card dividers
1 token sheet
1 rulebook
14+ anni
45 min.
Disponibile Indicativamente Dal
Disponibile solo in negozio
Immagini, componenti e colorazioni potrebbero differire nel prodotto finale a causa di riedizioni, modifiche o integrazioni del prodotto.
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Descrizione Dettagliata:
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